Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Bad Net Dems

Here are the 5 bastards who voted against Net Neutrality and the reasons why; thousands of them, apparently.

Let them know how you feel about that.

I hope they enjoy all the votes they will get from the CEOs and corporate officers of these communication giants.

MyDD :: A Letter to the Verizon/AT&T Five:

"Ed Towns (NY-10) received $22,000 from cable and telecom company interests. I'm glad I can you reach you at (202) 225-5936.
Al Wynn (MD-04) received $19,100 from cable and telecom company interests. I'm glad I can you reach you at (202) 225-8699.
Charlie Gonzales: (TX-20) received $16,500 from cable and telecom company interests. I'm glad I can you reach you at (202) 225-3236.
Bobby Rush: (IL-01) received $21,000 from cable and telecom company interests. I'm glad I can you reach you at (202) 225-4372.
Gene Green: (TX-29) received $12,000 from cable and telecom company interests. I'm glad I can you reach you at (202) 225-1688 tel.

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