Monday, April 24, 2006

Baker, Bush Family Fixer, Will Advise President on Iraq - New York Times

Yeah, like this is going to work.

Junior doesn't listen to Dad's friend. If he had we wouldn't be in this mess.

Baker, Bush Family Fixer, Will Advise President on Iraq - New York Times:

"Mr. Baker, a longtime confidant of the first President Bush who has maintained a close but complicated relationship with the current president, plans to travel to Baghdad and the region to meet with heads of state on a fact-finding mission that officials say was encouraged by both father and son and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

'If you had a health problem, you'd want somebody to give you a second opinion,' said Representative Frank R. Wolf, an influential Virginia Republican who helped recruit Mr. Baker for the job. 'What the United States needs on Iraq is some fresh ideas from people able to speak out, and no one is more qualified to do that than Jim Baker.'

The options that might be available at a time of rapid developments in Iraq, including the moves on Saturday toward establishing the country's first permanent, post-invasion government, are unclear. An official involved in enlisting Mr. Baker, who was granted anonymity because Mr. Baker has asked those associated with the effort not to speak to the press, said it would be a mistake to think that he could find a silver bullet."

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