Sunday, April 30, 2006

Not Exactly a Rush

I, for one, do not believe that any person who uses or is addicted to drugs should go to jail.

Rush did express that belief.

Maybe he thinks that addiction to a "legal" drug is somehow better that even the use of an illiicit drug.

Judge not, less ye be judged, Rush!

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog � Not Exactly a Rush�:

"Now that Rush Limbaugh has turned himself in due to his plea deal with the Palm Beach prosecutor�s office, I thought a bit of discussion about what Rush has in store for his 18-months of supervised release would be helpful for everyone (well, everyone who hasn't gone through a first time drug arrest anyway).

First off, this is a deferred prosecution ' not a deferred judgment' which is a much, much better deal for Rush (and something of a coup for his defense counsel Roy Black, I have to say). Jeralyn did a fantastic job of explaining this in her Lexis/Nexis article, and she covers more about the deal at TalkLeft.

The fact that the prosecutors were this generous in the deal-making says to me they may have had difficulties getting Rush's doctor to cooperate with them in terms of testimony and evidence provision. " (Do read On ^)

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