Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Forever War and The New American Police State

We have drifted into an Orwelian Twilight Zone, ful of horror and nightmarish gobblins.

Government sercrecy, unprecedented in American history, and continuous war on evrerbody and anybody, feeding the greed of the miltary/industrial/security complex and, of course, oil companies and those companies closely conneced to all of it, like Halliburton.

Daily Kos: Forever War and The New American Police State:

"If any country is always at war, perpetually threatened by one enemy or another, what once seemed impossible soon becomes inevitable. Justin Raimondo at has it exactly right when he writes:

The price of perpetual war is a police state, one in which a permanent state of 'emergency' - the threat of a terrorist attack - is utilized to break down institutional safeguards, the system of constitutional checks and balances, that protect us from dictatorship.

A foreign policy driven by the imperial impulse is bound to have grave domestic consequences, none of them conducive to the American form of government. . . "

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