Monday, May 01, 2006

| New oil shock ahead as $100 spike looms

Just in time for fun in the sun, eh, America.

If Americans had any sense at all they would stay home this year and do a little home improvement, like installing solar panels, windmills and getting off the grid.

You can always have a little entertainment by sitting on freeway overpasses and shooting the tires out from under those gas-guzzling Humvees, that no one needs to drive, unless they are in Iraq.

The Observer Business New oil shock ahead as $100 spike looms:

"The growing international crisis over Iran's nuclear programme could trigger a catastrophic oil price spike, sending crude prices over $100 a barrel, senior Wall Street analysts are warning.

Shell is also expected to announce close to record numbers next week, with analysts expecting profits around $5.57bn, driven largely by the oil price. "

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