Monday, May 08, 2006

NPR wrongly suggested Reid, Stabenow face "ethics allegations" over Abramoff contributions

Do we have Fox News contamination at NPR now?

Media Matters - NPR wrongly suggested Reid, Stabenow face "ethics allegations" over Abramoff contributions:

"Summary: NPR's Andrea Seabrook reported that one of Democrats' 'big problems right now' is 'convincing voters that the so-called 'culture of corruption' is a Republican thing.' According to Seabrook, 'there's a growing list of ethics allegations against Democrats in Congress,' and as examples, she noted: 'Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid [D-NV], Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, and others took campaign contributions from Indian tribes that were associated with [disgraced former lobbyist] Jack Abramoff.' In fact, neither Reid nor Stabenow are facing allegations of ethical misconduct regarding Abramoff contributions, and the mere receipt of contributions from Abramoff clients is not an indication of corruption."

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