Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Distracter in Chief

These Bushites are truly sick, you know. The world is imploding, thanks largely to the idiot's in the White House, and the only thing they can find to talk about is writing civil discimination into the Constitution.

Well, it ain't gonna happen.

The only thing they have managed to accomplish with this idiocy is to stir up more hatred in this country.

Distracter in Chief:

"What uncharted realm lies beyond brazen cynicism? A wasteland of utter shamelessness, perhaps? A vast Sahara of desperation, where principle goes to die? Someday George W. Bush and the Republican right will be able to tell us all about this barren terra incognita, assuming they ever find their way home.

The Decider's decision to whip up a phony crisis over same-sex marriage -- Values under attack! Run for your lives! -- is such a transparent ploy that even conservatives are scratching their heads, wondering if this is the best Karl Rove could come up with. Bush might as well open his next presidential address by giving himself a new title: The Distracter."

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