Friday, June 23, 2006

Ray McGovern: Next Victim: Iran or North Korea?

Oh, God, here we go again!

The War Preznit needes his imag burnished. Who is Rove going to bomb?

Ray McGovern: Next Victim: Iran or North Korea?:

"This may seem a bit quaint, perhaps even obsolete, but it used to be standard procedure to require intelligence before deciding to make war. Unless you have been asleep these past several months, you know that this sequence was reversed in 2002 when the White House ordered intelligence 'fixed' to justify a prior decision for war on Iraq.

The question today is whether that war-decision-then-intelligence sequence remains in effect as President Bush's advisers weigh whom to attack next. This is hardly a frivolous question. As the president's poll numbers sink and the embarrassment of Iraq rises, Vice President Dick Cheney, defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and presidential adviser Karl Rove no doubt are trying to choose the best way to enable Bush to polish his favorite image as 'war president,' in order to stem Republican losses in the mid-term elections this November. There are only two countries left of the 'axis of evil.' Which will it be: Iran or North Korea?" (Read On ^)

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