Monday, January 15, 2007

Bush to critics: What's your plan?

Critics? That would be me among many, many others, So here is my plan:

First of all.......

In order for any plan to work, you, Sir, and your Vice need to be gone. So my plan is to remove you from power (and see you in hell, preferrably).

Then, maybe, one of the many other, sane plans given to you by others, including Democrats, might stand the chance of snow-ball in hell. As long as you and your ncompetent, criminal regime are in the White House, nothing stands such a chanc of working for anyone.

Bush to critics: What's your plan? - Politics -

WASHINGTON - President Bush on Saturday challenged lawmakers skeptical of his new Iraq plan to propose their own strategy for stopping the violence in Baghdad.

“To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible,” Bush said.

In a pitch to lawmakers and the American people, Bush said the United States will keep the onus on the Iraqi government to take charge of security and reach a political reconciliation. He countered Democrats and his fellow Republicans who argue that Bush is sending 21,500 more U.S. troops into Iraq on the same mission.

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