Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Poliitical Skulldugery of The Day And More

The News Of The Day; In Brief

May 1, 2007 -- The DC Madam's client list has official Washington on pins and needles. There is much speculation about the identities of the clients of Deborah Palfrey's Pamela Martin & Associates escort service now said to include a White House economist, the head of a neo-con think tank, Pentagon officials, a corporate CEO, and at least one member of the House of Representatives. Reports that some clients enjoyed "spanking" from the house calling masseuses will certainly increase the scandal factor ten-fold.

May 1, 2007 -- Former Pennsylvania GOP legislator Jeffrey Habay was sentenced yesterday by a state judge to four to eight months in prison to be followed by 14 months of house arrest and two years of probation. Habay was convicted of 21 criminal counts, including the theft of services for using legislative staffers to conduct opposition research against his political opponents. Habay was also convicted of using his staff to perform campaign activities. Habay's crimes are no different from what Karl Rove has done with White House staff, US Attorneys, and political appointees in federal departments and agencies. The difference is that Rove, unlike Habay, has President Bush protecting him at every turn.

May 1, 2007 -- World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz is refusing to resign, claiming he is the victim of a "smear" campaign. WMR learned from its World Bank sources that the bank's governors wanted Wolfowitz's girlfriend, Shaha Riza, to resign from World Bank employment first and then be followed by Wolfowitz.

May 1, 2007 -- George Tenet wants everyone to know he was acting honorably as CIA Director when he told George W. Bush the case for war against Iraq would be a "slam dunk." Tenet claims he did not actually say "slam dunk" in the context of ginning up a pretext for war. What is a slam dunk is that when Tenet put together a "Worldwide Attack Matrix" after 9/11 that called for the assassination of individuals without regard to their status, he was violating Executive Order 12333 of Dec. 4, 1981, which amended Executive Order No. 12036 of January 24, 1978.

The orders were enacted to prohibit the assassination of foreign leaders, especially in the wake of CIA involvement in the assassinations of leaders in Chile, Congo (Kinshasa), and other countries and repeated attempted assassinations of Cuban President Fidel Castro.

May 1, 2007 -- WMR has learned that the Iron Mountain storage facility in Pennsylvania does store election software for the Ohio Secretary of State. Iron Mountain is an Escrow Agent for the Secretary of State's source code for Diebold and ES&S voting machines. The Congress is looking for a number of deleted e-mails between the Republican National Committee, the White House, and Justice Department concerning the firing of a number of US Attorneys for political reasons. Smartechcorp, a Chattanooga web hosting service with close links to the GOP, was discovered to be the hosting service for the Republican National Committee, the Bush-Cheney 04 campaign, and the Ohio Secretary of State's election night live results "Dashboard."

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. The Lantern has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this article nor is The Lantern endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)

....And The Truth Shall Set Us Free

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