Reminiscent of Hitler on the Communists and the Jews.
Be afraid, be very afraid; the commies and the brown people are coming to get us, destroy our way of life. Oh My God! Stand up for the fatherland and the pure-blooded, magnificent white guys.
Anyone want to bet that more people have been killed by car accidents in the last 5 years that by Al Qaeda?
Go ahead, brainless wonders of the Right; allow Bush, Cheney and company to suspend the Constitution, one amendment at a time.
Osama, wherever he is, is laughing his ass off at you guys. All he has to do is say, "boo," and you guys do more harm than he and Al Qaeda could ever imagine.
I don't believe I have ever in my life seen so many candy-asses, rallying around a couple of paranoid buffoons who have been complete and utter failures in making even a dent in terrorism. There have been more attacks world-wide, since Bush declared war on terror, a ridiculous concept in itself, than in all the years previously.
Where is bin Laden? Where is the Al Qaeda guy in Iraq?
Why do we have to run through airports in our socks while un-inspected cargo still makes it on to planes? What about those seaports? What about the trains? What about the nuclear and chemical plants that still go unprotected, because it would cost the corporations who own them too much money to secure them?
Here is one for you; why are the borders more porous than ever?
What have these guys done to earn anyone's faith and trust?
Their campaign slogan should be, "Wet your pants and vote for us, suckers!"
By Dana Milbank
Saturday, February 11, 2006; A02
You could find just about everything at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference this week: the bumper sticker that says "Happiness is Hillary's face on a milk carton," the "Straight Pride" T-shirt, a ride on an F-22 Raptor simulator at the Lockheed exhibit, and beans from the Contra Cafe coffee company (slogan: "Wake up with freedom fighters").
As of midday yesterday, a silent auction netted $300 for lunch with activist Grover Norquist, $275 for a meal with the Heritage Foundation president and $1,000 for a hunting trip with the American Conservative Union chairman. But lunch with former congressman Bob Barr (R-Ga.), with an "estimated value" of $500, had a top bid of only $75 -- even with a signed copy of Barr's book, "The Meaning of Is," thrown in.
No surprise there. The former Clinton impeachment manager is the skunk at CPAC's party this year. He says President Bush is breaking the law by eavesdropping on U.S. citizens without warrants. And fellow conservatives, for the most part, don't want to hear it.
"You've heard of bear baiting? We're going to have, today, Barr baiting," R. Emmet Tyrell, a conservative publisher, announced as he introduced a debate Thursday between Barr and Viet Dinh, one of the authors of the USA Patriot Act.
"Are we losing our lodestar, which is the Bill of Rights?" Barr beseeched the several hundred conservatives at the Omni Shoreham in Woodley Park. "Are we in danger of putting allegiance to party ahead of allegiance to principle?"
Barr answered in the affirmative. "Do we truly remain a society that believes that . . . every president must abide by the law of this country?" he posed. "I, as a conservative, say yes. I hope you as conservatives say yes."
But nobody said anything in the deathly quiet audience. Barr merited only polite applause when he finished, and one man, Richard Sorcinelli, booed him loudly. "I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say [Bush] is off course trying to defend the United States," Sorcinelli fumed.
Far more to this crowd's liking was Vice President Cheney, who stopped by CPAC late Thursday and suggested the surveillance program as a 2006 campaign issue. "With an important election coming up, people need to know just how we view the most critical questions of national security," he told the cheering crowd.
Dinh, now a Georgetown law professor, urged the CPAC faithful to carve out a Bush exception to their ideological principle of limited government. "The conservative movement has a healthy skepticism of governmental power, but at times, unfortunately, that healthy skepticism needs to yield," Dinh explained, invoking Osama bin Laden.
Dinh brought the crowd to a raucous ovation when he judged: "The threat to Americans' liberty today comes from al Qaeda and its associates and the people who would destroy America and her people, not the brave men and women who work to defend this country!"
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