Saturday, June 17, 2006

Contradictions Cloud Inquiry Into 24 Iraqi Deaths - New York Times

While this article is about the events which happened in Haditha and gives a good amount of information about that, read it as if it was happening here.

What if armed-to-the-teeth soldiers from another country were kicking down your doors, barking orders in a language you didn't understand, shooting children and women....what if ...

Contradictions Cloud Inquiry Into 24 Iraqi Deaths - New York Times:

"What really happened in Haditha on Nov. 19, 2005?

On that day, marines killed 24 Iraqi civilians, including 10 women and children and an elderly man in a wheelchair. But how and why it happened and who ultimately bears responsibility are matters of profound dispute.

Interviews with marines who were present that day or their lawyers, Iraqi residents who witnessed the attack and military investigators provide broadly conflicting accounts of the killings. This article, based on those interviews, does not resolve those discrepancies. But it does lay bare the task facing investigators as they try to square the accounts with ambiguous forensic evidence, and suggests that the work will be hindered by the passage of time, the tricks of memory and the fog of fast-paced action at several different locations in Haditha, a tense Euphrates River valley city, seven months ago. "

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