Sunday, June 11, 2006

Think Progress � Matalin Defends Coulter�s Attack on 9/11 Widows

Watch the Video for youself.

I don't think I could vote for a candidate who hires James Carville as long as he is married to this "harpie."

Think Progress � Matalin Defends Coulter�s Attack on 9/11 Widows:

"Yesterday on Imus, Mary Matlin, a former counselor to Vice President Cheney and an influential strategist for the White House, defended Ann Coulter's vicious attack on the 9/11 widows. (In a new book, Coulter says the widows are 'enjoying their husband's deaths.')

Matalin passed on multiple opportunities from Imus to condemn or distance herself from Coulter's comments. (Instead, Matalin said she agreed with Coulter's 'larger point.')

She also argued the outrage against Coulter was misplaced, saying 'She calls somebody a harpy and you'd think that the world was on fire.' Watch it:"

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