Saturday, January 06, 2007

"Cataclysmic Change" Is Imminent

OMG, what a freakin' mess!

Riding The Juggernaut: "Cataclysmic Change" Is Imminent: (Click on over and read all of it)

So let's take a good look at the new world order, courtesy of K. Gajendra Singh, a former Indian ambassador to the Middle East:

Now the Gulf Council and other Arab countries like Egypt and Algeria want to embark on uranium enrichment like Iran. Their decades long fears and opposition to Israeli Nukes, developed with French and British help and US acquiescence (if not support) are vetoed by US both in New York and Vienna. Bullies rule the world on an increasingly lawless planet...

In 1945, before a declining Britain was divested of its colonies, the USA signed a memo with the British:

'Our petroleum policy towards the United Kingdom is predicated
on a mutual recognition of a very extensive joint interest and upon control, at
least for the moment, of the great bulk of the free petroleum resources of the

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