Monday, May 22, 2006

346 milion vulnerable to monster storms

...and when they hit, don't be surprised if you insurance man says something like: "You didn't really expect we would pay for this, did you?"

Don't believe me? Just get in touch with all the people slammed by Katrina.

BellSouth - NEWS:

"(AP) - A look at who lives in coastal areas from North Carolina to Texas, the areas most vulnerable to hurricanes:

_There were 34.6 million people living in coastal areas
stretching from North Carolina to Texas, about 12 percent of the nation's population.

_There were 10.2 million people living in those coastal areas in 1950, about 7 percent of the population at that time.

_Florida has the most people at risk: 17.3 million. Of those, about 10.3 million live along the Atlantic and 7 million live along the Gulf of Mexico.

_There are 180,155 square miles of coastal areas from North Carolina to Texas.

_Florida is the most densely populated, with 346 people per square mile."

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