Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Rove's 'Nightmare' Election Strategy

Well, we say, "Bring it On, you ugly toad of a man."

Americans are finding out that Bush's ownership society is a nightmarish trap for anyone making less than $100,000 a year. Banks and lending institutions have become nothing more an legalized loan sharks

American workers are still being laid off. We don't have a healthcare system worth a tinkers damn. 1 in every 136 Americans is behind bars.

Foreclosuers on homes are up and bankruptcy filings are at an all time high in spite of the draconian anti-bankruptcy bill passed by Congress

Bush does nothing that does not involve huge giveaways to the wealthy and the sociopathic, corporate whores of babylon, or sending in the military and corporate mercenaries.

This administration has done nothing to secure this country, other than hassle travelers, spy on Americans, and try to turn our port security over to Dubai. They even suceeded in turning over a manufacturer of military equipment for our Army to Dubai.

Meanwhile, Veterans benefits are being cut left and right and Iraq war vets are coming home to live on the streets, with their nightmares and PTSD. But none of the Bushites would understand anything about that, since they all hid out during Vietnam.

This entire administration has been one huge apocalyptic hell, and the Republican Congress has not lifted a finger to do any oversight at all.

I fail to see how the Democrats could possibly do worse.

And if there is a God, Rove will be running Republican campaigns from Devil's Island!

Fineman: Rove's 'Nightmare' Election Strategy - Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com:

"With ratings down and the midterms coming up, the GOP adopts a new tack: Call it the 'apocalypse strategy.'"

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