Monday, May 29, 2006

A Muslim son wonders if overseas calls will raise red flags with NSA

Don't we all?

I would imagine that anyone who has had any overseas communication wonders the same thing, especially those of us who have spoken to, messaged or emailed anyone in Arab lands

I think we have all slipped into some twisted parallel universe, where the Soviet Union still exists, and we are in it. A Muslim son wonders if overseas calls will raise red flags with NSA:

"'May Allah guide you in whatever you do. May Allah protect you from evil. May Allah destroy your enemies.'

These were the words I heard from my eightysomething father one recent morning as his frail voice came over the phone from a Sudanese village about 6,000 miles away. To each sentence I replied 'Amen,' and as I hung up, I felt the soothing effect of his prayer come over me at the start of another day."

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