Friday, February 03, 2006

Budget Cuts Pass By a Slim Margin

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 2, 2006; A01

The House yesterday narrowly approved a contentious budget-cutting package that would save nearly $40 billion over five years by imposing substantial changes on programs including Medicaid, welfare, child support and student lending.

With its presidential signature all but assured, the bill represents the first effort in nearly a decade to try to slow the growth of entitlement programs, one that will be felt by millions of Americans. Women on welfare are likely to face longer hours of work, education or community service to qualify for their checks. Recipients of Medicaid can expect to face higher co-payments and deductibles, especially on expensive prescription drugs and emergency room visits for non-emergency care. More affluent seniors will find it far more difficult to qualify for Medicaid-covered nursing care.

College students could face higher interest rates when their banks get squeezed by the federal government. And some cotton farmers will find support payments nicked. State-led efforts to force deadbeat parents to pay their child support may also have to be curtailed.

Yesterday's 216 to 214 vote, largely along party lines, gave a much-needed boost to President Bush, who is trying to reassert his control over domestic policy despite a series of legislative setbacks and near-record-low approval ratings. Bush had pushed many of the changes since he unveiled his 2006 budget proposal a year ago.

This is immoral as hell. The mainline Christians, Reform Jews moderate Muslims and everyone else who believes that a society is rightly judged by its treatment of the most vulnerable of its citizens should be up in arms about this.
Medicaid cuts so that the wealthy can pay less taxes.? My God in heaven, what the hell are the Republicans doing?

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