Monday, June 05, 2006

How a Typical New York Times Article is Really Bushevik Propaganda Disguised as News

The NYT is schizophrenic, but, then, we all may be... any day now...

News Analysis: How a Typical New York Times Article is Really Bushevik Propaganda Disguised as News:

"Okay, okay, let's get this straight once again.

The New York Times is schizophrenic. Its editorial page is liberal, in the old establishment sense of the word, while its news section (despite infrequent expose stories like the NSA domestic eavesdropping one) is generally pro-Bush (although in an understated insidious way). Now, why do BuzzFlash and many other progressive websites make this charge?

Because if you read the times carefully day after day, most of its news stories about the White House, Bush and foreign policy subtly reflect the administration perspective and spin, but written as though the NYT is offering up a third party 'balanced' perspective.

You don't just need to resurrect the debacle of Judith Miller's pre-Iraq war farcically badly-sourced reporting or the puff pieces that New York Times White House reporter Elisabeth Bumiller writes about Bush and his staff. You can look at almost any daily 'background' piece on the White House and see just how much the New York Times political reporters are an extension of the Bush 'spin machine.' "

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