Monday, August 21, 2006

Apocalyptic Ahmadinejad rattles sabre | News | The Australian

The Religiously Insane are not going to be happy until everyone on earth is sick from radiation poisoning, or about to give birth to two-headed babies.

Apocalyptic Ahmadinejad rattles sabre News The Australian:

IF some Iran-watchers in the US are to be believed, we could be 24 hours away from the day of judgment. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's President, has promised to deliver tomorrow his response to international demands that Iran stop enriching uranium for nuclear use.
Video: Iran holds wargames

By the Islamic calendar, Tuesday is also a holy date: the night when Mohammed rose to heaven from the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on a 'buraq', a fabulous winged beast with the body of a horse and the face of a woman, and reappeared in Mecca. Will Ahmadinejad seize the moment to unveil the possession of some new fissile material or weapons system - perhaps a nuclear-tipped one?

Bernard Lewis, the West's foremost scholar of Islam, has even warned that on such a symbolic date it would be wise to bear in mind the possibility of a 'cataclysmic' event such as a strike on Israel.

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