Sunday, September 24, 2006

Global warming fear lights fire under Congress

......and that ain't nothing compared to the blaze that's gonna be lit if they don't start holding the psychopaths in the White house accountable for their many crimes.

Global warming fear lights fire under Congress:

(09-23) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Congress, it appears, is channeling Al Gore. After years of debating whether global warming was real or a hoax, the House and Senate staged six hearings this week on how the government should respond to climate change.

And the Bush administration, which has downplayed the threat of global warming during its six years in office, released a 244-page strategic report this week laying out plans to address the rapid warming of the planet.

Critics say the White House and the Republican-led Congress are not yet ready to take the politically difficult steps needed to combat global warming -- such as raising federal fuel efficiency standards or capping greenhouse gas emissions by electric utilities and other industries, as California did recently. (09-23) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Congress, it appears, is channeling Al Gore. After years of debating whether global warming was real or a hoax, the House and Senate staged six hearings this week on how the government should respond to climate change.

And the Bush administration, which has downplayed the threat of global warming during its six years in office, released a 244-page strategic report this week laying out plans to address the rapid warming of the planet.

Critics say the White House and the Republican-led Congress are not yet ready to take the politically difficult steps needed to combat global warming -- such as raising federal fuel efficiency standards or capping greenhouse gas emissions by electric utilities and other industries, as California did recently.

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