Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Congratulations, Speaker Pelosi

The first step in a long journey, back from the abyss of empire, international crimes and creeping fascism, we hope.

Nothing is certain with a president that did not believe he was answerable to the people when the Congress was in Republican hands.

I doubt he has had a lobotomy over night, though that might be a good idea.

Democrats Promise Broad New Agenda -

Democrats vowed to press a broad agenda of legislative change and to confront President Bush on issues such as the war in Iraq after seizing control of the House last night following 12 years of Republican rule.

Victories from New Hampshire to Arizona marked a rebuke to Bush and a House Republican majority that has served as a firewall for the White House's agenda. Republicans lost three seats in reliably Republican Indiana and a bellwether seat in Kentucky, and they suffered huge losses in Pennsylvania.

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