Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Real Beijing Olympics, Or, Will It Be A Trade War

Straight from the Ironicles!

MediaChannel » The Real Beijing Olympics, Or, Will It Be A Trade War:

New York, New York: Who has real power over US decisionmaking?

If you think it is the White House, or even the Congress, think again. There has been a power shift underway for years and, believe it our not, our future and fortune rests in the hands of bureaucrats on the other side of the world. Sorry folks, but our red white and blue economy is afloat because of members of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party.

Yes the Red Menace that we spent so many years fearing as a military threat now represents a far more serious economic threat. Mao must be turning in his grave with the news that no less than six U.S. Cabinet Ministers are on their way to the Middle Kingdom to beseech, beg, lobby and try to persuade the new mandarins not to sell off their vast rervoir of dollars.

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