Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bush should resign from presidency

We agree, for the simple reason that Bush and his administration have made it impossible for him to govern (even if one believes he was ever capable of governing).

How can the nation survive two more years of these mit-wits?

However, the chances of Bush resigning are nil. The chances are much greater that he will see that he has nothing left to lose and take, not only his party, but the entire nation straight through the gates of hell. They lie directly ahead!

Inside Bay Area - Bush should resign from presidency:

It was an incredible irony for President Bush to address the nation on Iraq, just a week after the burial of President Ford.

Bush said Ford 'assumed the presidency when the nation needed a leader of character and humility.' Add to that Vice President Cheney's, 'Gerry Ford was always a striver, never working an angle, just working.' Cheney quoted the late Michigan Representative Martha Griffiths, who said of Ford, 'I never knew him to make a dishonest statement part true and part false.'

Lastly, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Ford 'was there to restore the strength of the presidency, to rebuild our defenses, and to demonstrate firmness and clarity. ... He reminded Americans of who they were, and he put us on the right path.'

A week later, here was Bush, nearly four years down the wrong path.

He, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz got 3,000 U.S. soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed in working the false angle that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Wolfowitz had Americans swimming in fool's oil, saying Iraqi petrol would pay for the war and claiming that former Army chief of staff General Eric Shinseki, a double-Purple Heart Vietnam veteran who lost part of a foot, was 'wildly off the mark' in saying that hundreds of thousands of troops would be needed to secure Iraq.

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