Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Interesting bt of trivia

Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot attorney Harry Whittington on Feb. 11, 2006. What other famous shooting incident involving a sitting president or vice president occurred on the 11th day of the month?
Vice President John Adams leading troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion
Assassination attempt on President Gerald R. Ford
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Duel between Vice President Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton t
The infamous duel between Burr and Hamilton occurred on July 11, 1804. Hamilton died of his wounds the next day. The first day of the Whiskey Rebellion was Aug. 7, 1794, but it was led by President George Washington, not Vice President Adams. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963. Ford endured two separate assassination attempts on Sept. 5 and Sept. 22, 1975.

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