Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Colbert Affair Exposes Loss of Rights

Read the whole article. This pretty much sums it up, and it is not funny.

Seeing the Forest: Colbert Affair Exposes Loss of Rights:

"Before these changes you would see representatives of Labor, Democrats, anti-war, religions other than far-right Christianity, and other now-banned viewpoints. One particular viewpoint you would see expressed was a concern that concentrated corporate ownership of the channels of information would harm democracy. That viewpoint is also banned now.

It used to be considered essential to democracy that the public had access to information. The pubic used to have the right to demand diversity of opinion in the media. Now even expressing such ideas is banned.

Do you think 'banned' is too strong a word? Tell me when was the last time you saw or heard these viewpoints expressed? When was the last time you heard a representative of Labor expressing that employees should join unions?"

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