Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Praying for Peace or Preying on Peace?

...and this, my com-patriots, is the most sickening part of it all.

It is about time the Mainstream of Christianity spoke out. But I am afraid it is too little too late.

You should all be ashamed of your own fear, your delusion and self-righteousness, followers of the Prince of Peace.

You mock the Christ!

(Sent in by Winterfire, by email)

Praying for Peace or Preying on Peace?:

"094/30/06 'CounterPunch' -- -- The United Methodist Church should be bringing disciplinary action against President George Bush for war crimes. Evidence continues to mount that Bush, a United Methodist, deliberately used his religious faith to deceive the American people in the run-up to his administration's pre-meditated war against non-threatening, sanctions-weakened, defenseless Iraq. He then continued using his faith in 'the ways of Providence' to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He has violated a long-cherished United Methodist Book of Discipline social principle: that 'war is incompatible with the teachings and example of Christ . . . [and] we insist that the first moral duty of all nations is to resolve by peaceful means every dispute between or among them.' (pages 123, 124, 2004)

Resolving disputes peacefully was the first thing out of President Bush's mouth and apparently the last thing on his mind. His pre-war public posture was that of a man of faith and peace. At his March 6, 2003 news conference, he said, 'I pray daily. I pray for wisdom and guidance and strength. . . . I pray for peace. I pray for peace.' (The New York Times, Mar. 7, 2003) Two weeks later he ordered the bombing of the Iraqi people and the invasion of their country.

President Bush continually justified his administration's pre-emptive war against Iraq by charging that Saddam Hussein threatened America with 'mushroom cloud'-like weapons of mass destruction. When no such weapons were found in Iraq after the invasion, Bush repeatedly used his religious faith again to justify his administration's disastrous and criminal war: 'Freedom is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to every man and woman in the world.' ('Acceptance Speech to Republican Convention Delega"

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