Tuesday, June 27, 2006

News Alert: Powell's Chief of Staff and Others Confirm Bush�s Lies on Iraq Intel

Yes, it is still important that we went to war based on faulty inteligence that the policy-makers had to have known was false.

As a matter of fact, it is so important, that it is an imeachable offense.

Our military went to war believing that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and that he was planning on using nukes against us, becaue that is what they were, in essence, told by the administration. Nothing was said about liberating Iraqis. That came later.

They went into Iraq for vengeance. That could well be the reason so many horrors continued happening, not that horrors don't happen in ever war. They do.

But not like Abu Ghraib.

News Alert: Powell�s Chief of Staff and Others Confirm Bush�s Lies on Iraq Intel:

"The Senate Democratic Policy Committee had a hearing today on pre-war Iraq intelligence to examine how Bush took us to war over faulty information. Witnesses included several prominent officials, such as Colin Powell's Chief of Staff.

The hearing confirmed previous suspicions that the Administration misrepresented and exaggerated intelligence to promote its agenda. BuzzFlash has extracted and highlighted especially relevant portions of testimony. "

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