Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wary of U.S., Syria and Iran Strengthen Ties - New York Times

This also involves Egypt, as they have a common protection treaty with Syria, unless something has changed in the last 2 years, which I doubt.

Does Kurdistan hate us yet? If so, we are now surrounded.

Junior could not have done a better job for Al Qaeda if he had sat down and coordinated the whole thing with Osama.

Wary of U.S., Syria and Iran Strengthen Ties - New York Times:

"SAYEDA ZEINAB, Syria, June 24 : For a long time, the top-selling poster in Hassan al-Sheikh's gift shop here showed President Bashar al-Assad of Syria seated beside the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon. A few weeks ago a slightly different poster overtook it, this one with the Syrian president, the Hezbollah leader and Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

A poster in Syria, with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, left, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah. Mr. Sheikh's shop is on a bustling street in Sayeda Zeinab beside the entrance to a Shiite shrine that shares a name with the town, and both have been packed with Iranian pilgrims, many more than in years past.

Those changes illustrate what may well be a worrying phenomenon for Washington as it seeks to contain Iran and isolate Syria: the two governments, and their people, are tightening relations on several fronts as power in the region shifts away from the once dominant Sunni to Shiites, led by Iran."

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