Thursday, August 03, 2006

Overwhelmed by Evil

Take a deep breath and think. Think revolution.

That is what it is going to take and I must be a global revolution.

Overwhelmed by Evil:

I think I've finally reached the point of being overwhelmed.

There is so much evil in the air around America, it has become difficult to find a fresh breath of air. Along with the noxious smell that is still being emitted from the events surrounding September 11 almost five years ago, there are so many other events pouring forth the rotten stench of corruption, I almost feel as if I'm drowning in pollution sometimes.

It's not just the stinky haze that poured over this country after the infamous election scandal in November of 2000. The sun grew a little dimmer when the Supreme Court illegally stepped in and told almost 300 million people that their wishes could be trumped by the desires of seven unelected 'officials.' The sky became a little darker yet when this questionable 'president' and his surrounding of sycophants (and controllers) railroaded the country into an illegal war against a country whose only offense against the people of the U.S. was that the country was sitting on top of a huge amount of 'black gold'--a commodity that had helped catapult those who were in power to that position in the first place.

It's not our impotent legislators who, like Pontius Pilate, 'washed their hands' and gave this psychopathic executive branch free rein to do whatever they wished regarding the Middle East...........

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