Friday, September 01, 2006

Rumsfeld's Enemy: It's Us - Early Warning

Arkin should be given a medal for this blog.

In all of the outrage displayed in the blogosphere, both pro and con the apeasement loonacy, we may have all missed Rummy's real message.

The perceived enemy of the Bush administration is anyone who disagrees with the failed Bush policy in the middle east. Rummy is from a generation in which the words he uttered were fighting words. They still are. He knew exactly what he was saying and the effect he wanted it to have.

But are we missing the real message?

I can assure you that the wingnutters are not.

Rumsfeld's Enemy: It's Us - Early Warning:

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld delivered a fire-and-brimstone speech at the American Legion's annual convention yesterday -- after acknowledging young soldiers serving in Iraq and giving the boy scouts a shout-out, the secretary wove an elaborate picture of an enemy made up of terrorists, morally misguided Westerners, disagreeable military strategists, and a cynical news media.

Rumsfeld stated there could be no appeasing the enemy and any 'any moral or intellectual confusion about who and what is right or wrong can weaken the ability of free societies to persevere.'

The 'who' Rumsfeld is talking about is himself.

Rumsfeld is the 'who' that is right, and everyone who disagrees is not only wrong, but a danger to freedom.
Within minutes of the conclusion of Rumsfeld's speech yesterday, I received an e-mail from Thayer C. Scott, the secretary's speechwriter, serving up talking points.

The Defense Department then took the unusual step, usually reserved for its broadsides against Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker, of issuing a statement saying that the Associated Press coverage of Rumsfeld's Salt Lake City remarks mischaracterized them.

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