Saturday, December 02, 2006

Poll: Only 14% Agree with Bush That Iraq Conflict Is Not a Civil War

Polls have changed, dramatically, against Bush and his idiotic pronouncements, just since the election.

Could it be that Americans feel somewhat safer to express their real views now that Dems are in power in, at least, one branch of government?

Or could it be that the MSM have, finally, been telling more of the truth?

Pensito Review » Poll: Only 14% Agree with Bush That Iraq Conflict Is Not a Civil War:

After months of polls that show around 30 percent of Americans — let’s call them “Dead-Enders” — approve of or agree with the president, there is a new poll out that indicates that no more than 14 percent of Americans believe that the crisis the president and his team have created in Iraq is not a civil war. And the poll is from no less a conservative bastion than the Wall Street Journal:After months of polls that show around 30 percent of Americans — let’s call them “Dead-Enders” — approve of or agree with the president, there is a new poll out that indicates that no more than 14 percent of Americans believe that the crisis the president and his team have created in Iraq is not a civil war. And the poll is from no less a conservative bastion than the Wall Street Journal:

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