Tuesday, February 21, 2006

ALERT: A new book is out

Gag Rule - One the Supression of dissent and stiflind democracy.
by Lewis Latham

Latham was the Editor of Harper's mag for 30 years. This spring he is retiring as Editor Emeritus.

In the March issue of Harper's, Latham calls, in no uncertain terms, for the impeachment of George W. Bush. In so doing, he ends his call for justice, among othet things, with this statement (one which has been written on blogs, ours and everyone else's, in one for or another for as many as 3 years, now):

It is the business of Congress to prevent the President from doing more damage than he has already done; to the people, interests, health, well-eing, safety, good name and reputation of the U.S. - Congress must cauterize the wound....

Sounds like a good read..

Find more about this in Buzzer-land and you can order the book there as well, thus buying what seems to be a very interesting book and helping out Buzzflash at the same time. So, grab your cradit card (if you are still using one) and head on over to buzzflash.com.

...and the truth shall set you free.

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