Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Enemies, Enemies, Enemies...everywhere they look.

William Rivers Pitt has more at Truthout on the governments efforts to protect Amurka from the enemy of the week. I wonder;is that anything like "Queen for a day?"

Anyhooo, guess who the dangerous enemy is this week; drum roll, please...... Bloggers.

Yep, that's right, Bloggers, and other swarthy cyber-activist types.

Apparently, the free expression of political opinion on the Net is really "wet-yourself" terrifying to the Bushites. So much so, that they decided to war game us last week.

Bloggers are potential terrorists now. Did you all know that?

Bloggers are the enemy!

I guess that since Osama bin Forgotten can't be mentioned in public very often, since the mention of his name reminds ADHD Americans of un-kept promises and major screw ups by the Bushites (Wanted: Dead or Alive; The people who did this are going to hear from us; Can anyone spell Tora Bora?), the definition of "enemy" changes like a traffic light.

God, what a bunch of nancy-boys are running this country. They are afraid of bloggers? Damn, no wonder they don't want to come within a thousand miles of bin Laden.

If the Bushites wet their pannts about bloggers, they really should all stay in their hidey holes, and let someone else govern.

....and the truth shall set you free.

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