Friday, April 14, 2006

Coleen Rowley: Republican Control Threatens Our Security | The Huffington Post

Hey! Where do I have to move to vote for this woman?

She makes more damned sense than just about anyone is Washington?

The Blog Coleen Rowley: Republican Control Threatens Our Security The Huffington Post:

"Those who cry out I'm exploiting a threat to our nation's security for political gain have it exactly backwards. I'm running for Congress because Republican control of government is a threat to our national security! It was a Republican administration that, despite numerous warnings from Richard Clarke and U.S. intelligence, ignored the threat from Osama bin Laden. Bush did not take notice of the CIA's Presidential Brief in August 2001 about Al Qaida being determined to attack. Meanwhile, Attorney General Ashcroft ranked terrorism as his lowest priority and told the FBI's acting director that summer that he didn't want to hear anything about terrorism.

It was a Republican administration who resisted the creation of the 9/11 commission, and then stonewalled it. And it has been a Republican administration and Congress which has systematically blocked Democratic efforts to implement the commission's recommendations.

It is a Republican Senate, and in particular Republican Senate Intelligence Committee chair Pat Roberts who have blocked investigations into the administration's misuses of prewar intelligence to prop up public support for an invasion of Iraq. It was a Republican administration who ignored the advice of experienced generals and invaded the country with fewer than half the recommended number of troops, without sufficient body armor to protect our troops, and without a plan to secure the peace. It is a Republican administration and its ever-shrinking pool of supporters who demand that our troops remain in an Iraqi shooting gallery even as the country descends into civil war."

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