Friday, April 14, 2006

The coming crack up in the Christian Right: Fact or fiction?

Separating the wheat from the chaff

The coming crack up in the Christian Right: Fact or fiction?:

"Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson calls for civil debate after being attacked by evangelical brethren

Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson was recently roughed up for supporting legislation that some on the right have charged is too 'gay-friendly.' When more than 80 highly respected evangelical leaders signed onto the Evangelical Climate Initiative -- a campaign recognizing that global warming is a serious threat to the planet -- they were blasted for cavorting with the enemy. And even the Rev. Pat Robertson -- once considered untouchable by his Christian right colleagues -- has gotten cuffed around by former close associates over a string of controversial commentaries he's made over the past several months.

Is the Christian conservative movement heading for a crack up? Or, are right-wing watchers making much ado about much too little?

Crack-up for the Crusading Crackpots.

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