Friday, April 14, 2006

In 2005, Exxon CEO Raked in 190K a Day

Even investors are getting pissed-off and who can blame them.

This is another plank in the platform for a Greed Tax

Think Progress � In 2005, Exxon CEO Raked in 190K a Day:

"Average Americans are struggling to keep up with persistently high gas prices, now approaching $3 a gallon. Testifying before Congress last November, Exxon CEO Lee Raymond blamed the problem on 'global supply and demand' and assured the public that 'we're all in this together.'

Last year, Raymond made due with 'a total compensation package' of just $69.7 million or $190,915 a day, including weekends.

After his haul in 2005, Raymond has decided to retire. It's seems that, for Raymond, not working is even more lucrative than working:"

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