Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"How much more evidence Do we need?"

How can there be any doubt in anyone's mind at this juncture, that Bush and company have led to the people again and again, not only about the excuses for the invasion of Iraq, but lied in every speech they gave about the build up to war?

They not only lied to the people but to Congress (not to mention theU.N. Security Council and the people of the world).

This is subversion of our Democratic Republic.

We cannot have Democracy and Deception. How can the people or their elected representatives make informed decisions when they are misinformed and disinformed constantly?

How can we possibly spread Democracy, if ours is so entirely failed? Why would anyone other nation's people want what we have?

The image of Democracy is worse than no Democracy at all! It is worse, because it makes our collective lives a lie.

Read On
TomPaine.com - Bush's Paper Trail Grows

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