Thursday, April 06, 2006

Rummy didn't commit no tactical errors!

What the hell is Condi talking about? The war is going swimingly, don't you know.

Rummy is obviously senile as a post or he thinks we all are.

The tactical errors were nothing compared to the strategic ones, beginning with deception of the American people about the excuses for doing what they had planned to do for years before 9/11, invading and occupying Iraq.

All these people need to be in prison!

Rumsfeld Challenges Rice on 'Tactical Errors' in Iraq: "Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said he did not know what Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was talking about when she said last week that the United States had made thousands of 'tactical errors' in handling the war in Iraq, a statement she later said was meant figuratively.

Speaking during a radio interview on WDAY in Fargo, N.D., on Tuesday, Rumsfeld said calling changes in military tactics during the war 'errors' reflects a lack of understanding of warfare. Rumsfeld defended his war plan for Iraq but added that such plans inevitably do not survive first contact with the enemy."

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