Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Coulter Jokes to Reporter About Mailing White Powder to 'NY Times' - Yahoo! News

Given this woman's verbal assaults on people, often advocation pyhsical, deadly assaults, why would anyone just assume that she is joking?

I believe that the Justice Department should investigate.

Hell, Ashcroft, would have had someone arrested and sent to Gitmo for less than this.

Coulter should have listened to Ari when he said, "Americans need to be careful what they say."

Call the FBI. I'm not kidding.

Coulter Jokes to Reporter About Mailing White Powder to 'NY Times' - Yahoo! News:

NEW YORK - According to a published report, Ann Coulter has (in jest, we assume) claimed to have sent that mysterious white powder to The New York Times.

Reporter Jacob Bernstein, in a 'Memo Pad' item in today's Women's Wear Daily, wrote that he received a message from a New York Times source saying that Friday's powder mailing -- which included an Xed-out Times editorial and what ended up being corn starch -- 'makes all of Ann Coulter's comments a little less funny. I wonder if she considers herself at all responsible when lunatics read her columns and she says that we should be killed.'

Coulter, whose column is distributed by Universal Press Syndicate, has 'joked' that maybe terrorist
Timothy McVeigh should have blown up the Times building and that maybe Times Executive Editor Bill Keller should be executed.
'Memo Pad' sent an e-mail to Coulter's AOL account and according to Bernstein, received a reply claiming that she was the sender of the mysterious powder.

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