Thursday, July 27, 2006

Little Aberto the Miraculous

He is the result of policical cronyism and democracy and freedom are paying a price; a rather high one.

Of course, he knows he can get away with it as long as there is the current cover-up Congress. He should be slapped with a subpoena and held incontempt?

Something is terribly wrong, when the chief law enforcement officer in the land refuses to answer legitimate over-sight questions.

But I really don't think anyone could make me miss Ashcroft, the only man in history to lose a senate race to a dead man, saved from political ruin by Karl Rove and is now, I hear, one of the new K-street gang.

Ashcroft Nostalgia:

Alberto Gonzales is achieving something remarkable, even miraculous, as attorney general: He is making John Ashcroft look good.

I was no fan of President Bush's first attorney general, who may be best remembered for holding prayer breakfasts with department brass, hiding the bare-breasted statue in the Great Hall of Justice behind an $8,000 set of drapes, and warning darkly that those who differed with administration policy were giving aid to terrorists.

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