Monday, July 31, 2006

Public's Deficit Fix May Stun Politicians - New York Times

We will not pay for the wholesale slaughter of innocents by the U.S. or Israel.

Defense spending needs to be curbed, as there is out-right theft going on and until there is a new administration that will continue, as it benefits GOP election coffers.

This is outrageous and needs to stop, NOW!

Public�s Deficit Fix May Stun Politicians - New York Times:

"The researchers are still analyzing the results, to be published later this summer. But the session in Philadelphia left some strong impressions on a reporter permitted to observe it. Among them:

The participants didn't hate taxes nearly as much as many Republicans think.

They seemed to treasure Social Security and Medicare in their current forms, but were more open to change than many Democrats think.

None of the participants pushed for less defense spending, even if the war in Iraq were to wind down.

Nobody could agree on a single government program that ought to be cut or eliminated altogether.

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