Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Decider Lays Down The Law, Reid and Pelosi Should Lay It Right Back


Rolling over and playing dead in one thing when you are the minority in both bodies of Congress, with a majority president. It is totally unacceptable when you are in the majority in Congress, with a criminal executive.

Let the investigations begin!

The Decider Lays Down The Law, Reid and Pelosi Should Lay It Right Back:

Americans awoke today to read the President in the Wall Street Journal call for bipartisan cooperation and then threaten Democratic Leaders against what he called stalemate.

While the President was claiming to initiate a new period of bipartisan cooperation, and while Democratic Leaders were preparing to meet with the President to consult about Iraq, news media were widely reporting that the President had made a firm and final decision to escalate the war, and send more troops.

Presumably when the Decider meets with the Congressional leaders to consult, he will inform them of his firm and final decisions taken before the meetings. Presumably if they do not agree with his firm and final decision to escalate the war, without consultations with Democratic or Republican leaders, he will then remind them of his warning against stalemate.

The Democratic Leaders should state clearly, unequivocally and immediately that in the American system of government, there are three coequal branches of government, the executive is one of them, the legislative branch is another.

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