Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sen. Biden: "A Significant Portion Of This Administration...Believes Iraq Is Lost"

I agree with Biden, except that I would go even further.

Biden said that he has known Cheney and Rummy for a very long time and that they are both very smart men. His speculation that they have known for a very long time that Iraq is a lost cause is largely based on that knowledge.

If they are so smart, and I have no reason to think that Biden doesn't know what he's talking about, why did they not know what just about everyone else on earth knew; that Iraq could quickly turn into a long drawn out nighmare if the country was not pacified very quickly after the invasion?

Why did Rumsfeld resist any and all advice that it would take half a million troops to do the job and threaten to fire anyone who wanted a post invasion plan?

Why was the State Department locked out for so long after the invasion?

Why were huge munitions dumps left unsecured for months? Why was looting not only allowed, but encouraged by American troops?

If the guys surrounding Bush are so damned smart, then I can only conclude that, not only do they know Iraq is a lost cause, but that they planned for the invasion and occupation of Iraq to be a long, drawn-out, chaotic affair for political as well as fnancial reasons.

No one is capable of so mis-managing a war, against an all but defenseless nation, unless they are doing it intentionally.

As a wise, lawyer, friend of mine once told me; When nothing about a situation makes any sense, look for the money. In this situation, we don't have very far to look. It won't take a lot of digging, since the truth of the outrageous war-profiteering is very much already in the public domain and has been documented.

Bring on the investigations and put every one of the Jackasses under oath.

THE LOVE-IN IS OVER: Sen. Biden: "A Significant Portion Of This Administration...Believes Iraq Is Lost".... The Huffington Post:

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said yesterday that he believes top officials in the Bush administration have privately concluded they have lost Iraq and are simply trying to postpone disaster so the next president will 'be the guy landing helicopters inside the Green Zone, taking people off the roof,' in a chaotic withdrawal reminiscent of Vietnam.
'I have reached the tentative conclusion that a significant portion of this administration, maybe even including the vice president, believes Iraq is lost,' Biden said. 'They have no answer to deal with how badly they have screwed it up. I am not being facetious now. Therefore, the best thing to do is keep it from totally collapsing on your watch and hand it off to the next guy -- literally, not figuratively.'

1 comment:

Vigilante said...

I have never thought much of Biden as a presidential contender, but he has always been an informative and entertaining Senate leader. In this instance of exposing the Bush-Cheney game plan, he is brilliant, way ahead of the media and pundits.