Thursday, January 11, 2007

Kucinich Sees It, Too

We are not as paranoid as we may sound at times.

We have been saying this for months. Bush and Cheney are going to hit Iran, or die trying.

Kucinich: Bush setting stage for wide war | Dennis Kucinich for President 2008 - Kucinich.US:

Kucinich: Bush setting stage for wide war

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C – Congressman and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) issued the following statement tonight in response to President Bush's nationally televised address to the American people.

'President Bush appears to be setting the stage for a wider war in the region. He has blamed Iran for attacks on America. The President is vowing to disrupt Iran. He is going to add an aircraft carrier to the shores off the coast of Iran. He has promised to give Patriot missiles to 'our friends and allies.' Isn't one war enough for this President? It is time the media and the Congress began to pay attention to this President when he talks aggressively about Iran and Syria.

'It is imperative that Congress step up to its constitutional responsibility to restrain this abuse of executive authority by notifying the President that we will no longer agree to fund the war in Iraq. The supplemental budget request of up to $100 billion would enable the president not only to continue the war against Iraq through the end of his term. It would give him the resources to attack Iran, in the name of defending Iraq and the region.'

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