Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Most say no to Iraq buildup

Does anyone really think that Bush gives a damn what anyone thinks?

He has certainly shown no signs of it since 2004, if ever.

....and who the hell are these people, who make up the 36% who want an escalation?

More importantly, where are they?

The Pentagon should find out and send them in on the first wave. Seems the Pentagon would want motivated soldiers for this surge or wave or heave...or whatever it is.

Most say no to Iraq buildup -

WASHINGTON — President Bush will outline his 'new way forward' in Iraq on Wednesday to a nation that overwhelmingly opposes sending more U.S. troops and is increasingly skeptical that the war can be won.

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday shows a daunting sales job ahead for the White House, which is considering a plan to deploy up to 20,000 additional U.S. troops to Iraq.

POLL RESULTS: Bush approval Feelings on Iraq

Those surveyed oppose the idea of increased troop levels by 61%-36%. Approval of the job Bush is doing in Iraq has sunk to 26%, a record low.

'He certainly has the wind in his face,' says Michael Franc, a former congressional aide now at the conservative Heritage Foundation. 'But that's not to say if he were to pursue a change in policy that proved to be successful, that those numbers wouldn't flip.'

Views of the war will be difficult to change with rhetoric alone, says Steven Kull, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland. And if the public expresses strong opposition to Bush's plan, he says, Congress 'may feel emboldened to exert what control they have to stop or at least make it more difficult for the president to move forward.'

The survey of 1,004 adults, which has a margin of error of +/—3 percentage points, shows Americans pessimistic about the war and inclined to hold Bush responsible.
Among key findings: Click on over^

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