Saturday, February 10, 2007

Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy (Paperback)

This book is written by a blogger/citizen journalist, Marcy Wheeler, who manages to connect more dots in one published outing than the corporate press and news media have in 4 years.

For one jaw-dropping example: Judith Miller of the NYT wanted to stay in Iraq as the unit in which she was embedded prepared to leave the country.

The main reason for her wanting to stay was that she was being fed non-stop bullshit by Pentagon Darling, Ahmed Chalabi, and if she left, there would be no conduit for the bullshit, as it was meant for American consumption.

The Pentagon came to her rescue and arranged for her to stay in-country.

Guess who Judy's knight on white horse was?

No less than General Petraeus, the latest of Junior's about-to-be failed Generals

Buy the book:
BuzzFlash Review: Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy (Paperback):

In writing a review of this extraordinary book about the Plame-Gate/Treason-Gate crimes -- written by a citizen journalist, blogger Marcy Wheeler -- we have to take a deep breath for several reasons.

First of all, what Wheeler accomplishes as an unpaid journalistic investigator (she works as a full-time business consultant, out of Ann Arbor, unrelated to politcs) so thoroughly shames the corporate media, it is breathtaking. You realize, in the end, that the corporate media, exists in large part, to protect the status quo. So, they minimized the colossal treason and national betrayal of outing a CIA operative specializing in the illicit sale of Weapons of Mass Destruction, even though we invaded Iraq in large part because the Bush Administration deceitfully claimed that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.

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