Friday, May 18, 2007

Bush To Troops: Thanks for Your Service. Go to Hell

To Bush and Cheney, our troops, not to mention our workers, are serfs and slaves. - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community:

In the veto threat against the National Defense Authorization Act, the White House says they’re opposed to two things: Increased survivor benefits of $40 a month to spouses of those who lost someone in military service, and a pay increase to all personnel, across the board, just half a percent higher than what the president endorsed.

Excuse me?The president just vetoed legislation so he would be able to send more troops into the middle of the Iraqi religious civil war - without end, mind you - but is against increasing benefits to the spouses of those lost, or a pay increase to those who are serving? If there’s a more fitting definition of ‘outrage,’ I’d love to see it.

I doubt I even need to go into this further to get the point across about how shameless this is, but for the hell of it, I will.

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