Monday, April 10, 2006

Political Crackups all over D.C.

There ought to be crack-ups.

If we cannot get the pathological liars, astoundingly corrupt policticians and self-important lobbyists and consultants out of DC, we might as well burn the damn place down and start all over again, because it stands for nothing anymore.

It isn't our capitol anymore, rather it is a den of thieves; a mob town, living off the backs of taxpayers, running a protection racket that is costing us our collective souls.

Political Crackups:

"Today the signs of a political crackup are all over Washington. Within the administration, the White House chief of staff is going, the Treasury secretary is rumored to be going, and the defense secretary argues publicly with the secretary of state about whether he made 'tactical errors' in Iraq. The president's domestic policy has shriveled to pleas for expanded health savings accounts, whose shockingly muddled design speaks volumes about the administration's lack of economic talent. In a mark of desperation, Bush has gone off script to take questions from journalists and citizens. At a forum in North Carolina on Thursday, he confessed that the torture revelations from Abu Ghraib had been 'disgraceful.'"

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