Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hoping to emulate conservative success, Dem young guns launch journal of ideas

Maybe it's just me, but I don't believe that the Left will have much luck emulating the Right. The Left does no do lock-step very well, nor goose stepping for that matter.

Thinks tanks are fine, as are policy and idea publications.

I'm not sure what 'thrid way' means, but wake me when someone says fourth way, and I'm there!

Hoping to emulate conservative success, Dem young guns launch journal of ideas:

"Many Democrats now realize that they had ceded too much ground in the world of ideas since losing the White House in 2000.

'Progressives and Democrats find themselves without a terribly modern infrastructure to help spark the revival of ideas that we need,' Rosenberg said. 'We have to develop more institutions. We don't know which will become our version AEI or [the] Drudge Report or [Rush] Limbaugh. But we know that we need more tools.'

After the disastrous midterm elections in 2002, Democrats have started several political, media and policy outfits, including the Center for American Progress (CAP), a more traditional liberal think tank modeled after the Heritage Foundation; Air America, a liberal radio network; and Third Way, an 18-month-old group that coaches Democratic candidates in developing and presenting their message."

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